Neck Pain


Giving care to one of the most underappreciated parts of the body.

Neck pain can turn a normal day into one you can barely get through. As one of the most important structures in the body, the neck is also one of the areas most susceptible to muscle pain.

Living with neck pain is an unnecessary burden many of us carry, with over 50% of patients over 50 living with neck pain, and at least 10% of all adults suffering stiff neck at any given time. But with a dedicated physician working on your neck pain, you can get back to a state of normal living today.

What We Treat

Cervical Herniated Disc | Cervical Sprain | Cervical Facet Syndrome | Whiplash |And More

Understanding Neck Pain: What Causes Neck Pain?

We often forget the role the neck plays in our daily lives. Every turn of the head, every over-the-shoulder look, every time we slouch to sleep or throw our head back to laugh—all of these directly involve the neck. Which is why injuries to the neck are so common amongst adults.

Neck pain can occur to anyone and be caused by both every day and dangerous activities. From sleeping wrongly to being involved in a car accident, your neck can pick up injury through a variety of means.

The unfortunate reality is that many people are living with neck pain simply because they do not realize they have it. Repetitive work like tilting your head up to stare at a monitor all day can slowly lead to long-term neck pain.

When Should I See a Doctor for Neck Pain?

While it is always recommended to see a physician when you believe you have neck pain, there are cases when it’s crucial to schedule an appointment as soon as possible, to avoid any permanent damage to your health. These cases include:

You have difficulty balancing
You have a fever with your neck pain
You just suffered an industrial accident, a car accident, or a great fall
Your neck pain is worsening and never eases up
You feel generally weaker with your neck pain, and sometimes even numb
You feel pain when you move your arms and legs
If you are uncertain of how neck pain is defined, you should be experiencing an aching or stabbing sensation in your neck. It might feel inflamed, stiff, and even the root of further pain that travels throughout the rest of your body. If you attempt to move your neck, you might experience spasms or tingling.

If you regularly deal with any of the above symptoms, get your neck checked today.

How Will My Doctor Treat Neck Pain?

At the Medical Center, Dr. Siegel is ready to help patients identify, understand, and treat their neck pain. After better understanding your pain with a diagnostic examination, Dr. Siegel will then provide you with a personalized treatment plan, tailored to best help you.

The sooner you begin your path towards a painless neck, the sooner you can return to your normal life.

Treating Your Health As If It Were Our Own