Lumbar Facet Joint Injections


Pain in your lower back and leg can sometimes be caused by your lumbar facet joints. Solve this pain with us today.

What is a lumbar facet joint injection?

Lumbar facet joints are small joints that can be found in your lower back. These joints come in pairs, and their function is to provide better stability and motion in the lower part of your spine.

However, there are certain conditions that can cause pain to the lumbar facet joints, such as mechanical stress, injury, and arthritis. Pain to the lumbar facet joints leads to pain in your legs, buttocks, hips, and lower back area.

The lumbar facet joint inject provides pain relief by numbing the area with a local anesthetic and reducing inflammation with anti-inflammatory medication (steroids or cortisone). This allows the patient to benefit from short-term and long-term relief.

When would I need a lumbar facet joint injection?

A lumbar facet joint injection has two main purposes: pain relief and further diagnosis. The injection involves both a numbing agent and steroids/cortisone to provide both, allowing doctors to create further treatment or rehabilitation plans moving forward.

Diagnosing the pain: To diagnose the cause of your pain, doctors inject a numbing agent into your lumbar facet joint. They then analyze the intensity and immediacy of your pain relief. The fuller your pain relief, the likelier it is that the source of your pain is the joint.

Pain relief: The injection also have steroids or cortisone for pain relief. This works by reducing any possible inflammation in the area, which can lead to long-term or permanent pain relief.

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, it might be advisable to ask your doctor about a lumbar facet joint injection:

Pain increased in lower back or legs when sitting, moving, or rotating in the affected area
Pain decreased when walking or lying down with bent knees
Pain experienced after rest
Pain experienced when coughing or sneezing
Before the Procedure

As this is a quick and non-surgical procedure, preparation before the procedure is limited to getting a full understanding of what will happen during and after. Your doctor will also need to know any allergies you might have or medications you might be on. It is also necessary to discuss with your doctor the possible risks of the procedure.

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