Auto Injury Specialist
Auto Injury Specialist
A serious car accident could well be one of the most stressful and frightening experiences of your life, but these incidents don't have to be near-fatal to cause severe and long-lasting damage. If you suffer an auto injury, Ira Siegel, MD, at Pain Center of NJ can help. Dr. Siegel specializes in treating musculoskeletal auto injuries without the need for surgical intervention. You can take advantage of his experience at Pain Center of NJ’s West Orange, Bayonne, Union City, Ridgefield, Edison, and Union, New Jersey, locations. Call the most convenient office or book an appointment online today.
Auto Injury Q & A
What is an auto injury?
You may have an auto injury when you have a car crash, road accident, or injure yourself during a work or leisure pursuit involving a vehicle.
Around six million car accidents occur each year in the United States, and of those, about 30,000 are fatal. In almost two million other cases, the people involved suffer significant auto injuries.
Many victims of auto accidents live with their injuries for months, not realizing the severity of the damage they sustain. If you've had a car accident and are still feeling the effects, Dr. Siegel is an expert in diagnosing and treating auto injuries.
What kind of auto injury might I sustain?
While walking away from an auto accident with your life is clearly something to be thankful for, you may not be out of the woods. Even if you don't have any broken bones or deep cuts, you could still have injuries that cause serious pain, such as:
Herniated or bulging disc
Whiplash or cervical sprain
Spinal cord injuries
Knee damage
Burns and scarring
Traumatic brain injuries
Out of all these injuries, you're most likely to walk away from an auto accident with whiplash, which affects more than a million people in the US each year.
Whiplash occurs when the force of a collision makes your head jerk back and forth violently, beyond its usual range of motion. This violent movement damages the muscle fibers that connect your head to your spine.
Should I seek medical attention for an auto injury?
You should visit a specialist in auto injuries like Dr. Siegel if you experience certain symptoms after an accident, such as:
Back tenderness
Back pain
Numbness in your legs or arms
Vision problems
Neck, jaw, or shoulder pain
Constant migraines
Exhaustion or fatigue
Vertigo (a sense of the room spinning around you)
Dr. Siegel can provide the treatment you need for your auto injury, enabling you to return to normal strength and flexibility while leaving behind the pain of whiplash and other injuries. With his help, you can regain mobility without invasive surgery and live pain-free with proper care and treatment.
What treatment might I need for an auto injury?
Dr. Siegel has been treating all kinds of auto injuries for decades and understands how to design a personalized recovery plan to help you return to perfect health.
Each patient's plan is unique to them but may contain treatments such as physical therapy, activity modification, trigger point injections, and a range of steroid injections for the spine and joints.
Bedrest and medication aren't the solutions to auto-injury pain. For expert treatment, call Pain Center of NJ or book an appointment online today.